Let's go round again. Or not. Please yourself.

I was born in the English city of Carlisle, despite my parents being resident in Dumfries and Galloway when I made my entrance into the world. I've lived the vast majority of my life in North East Cumbria, with a good chunk of my childhood spent in that furthest flung corner of the county known as the Debatable Lands. My immediate family still live there (I'm all of 12 miles down the road). My Phillips relatives haven't moved far beyond the parishes of Bewcastle and Stapleton since at least the 1600s, so you could argue we're not a very adventurous bunch. That said, there's a persistent rumour that my great granny Phillips (nee James) was related to the infamous outlaw Jesse. I've made no effort whatsoever to confirm the veracity of this claim, but I'm not inclined to let the truth get in the way of an amusing anecdote that I might be able to exploit for a blog post. So my bones are Cumbrian, I think of myself as British, but I've never made any secret o...