Philosophy 101

It's 5am on Sunday morning and I'm stumbling around a field on the edge of Glenmore Forest, looking for my husband. Had I been writing this in the late 90s it might very well have the prelude to a tale of pissed up teenage misadventures (and yes, said husband would still have featured, albeit in the days before we wasted all that money on a wedding that we should have spent on a campervan instead). Let's be honest, it could be the noughties, 2010s, or anytime in the last 25 years and that sentence wouldn't take much editing - just vary the location, remove the word 'teenage' and the job's a good 'un. But while I may still be partial to the odd beverage now and again, I've added running for extended periods of time to the list of questionable things I do in a bid to avoid housework. At this moment in time I've been on the go since 12pm the previous day, I have run around a four mile loop of the aforementioned forest 18 times (remember this), and I...