Wife. Mother. Average Superhero.

'So, yous are all running back to Inverness? From here, tonight? Are you fucking mental? Is there nae drink in the hoose? ' (Incredulous bus driver, depositing twenty odd runners at Kilmallie Community Centre, 2300 Friday 30 June 2023) . It's not an unreasonable question, I suppose. Perhaps the paucity of our number gave an indication of the level of appeal that setting off to run 73 miles at 1am on a Saturday morning holds for the average person. And contrary to what we're often told by social media influencers and spuriously qualified life coaches, there's nothing wrong with average. OK, it's not wildly exciting, but life is challenging and plenty of people are happy to make it through the day unscathed, ready to face whatever the next one throws at them, without adding a lot of time consuming physical activity to their already insurmountable to do list. So it's hardly surprising that a Friday evening in front of Netflix with a bag of crisps and bottle of ...